
제14회 아시아건축교류국제심포지엄(ISAIA 2024) 개최 안내

페이지 정보

작성자 한국기와학회
작성일24-05-28 03:22 조회134회 댓글0건



제14회 아시아건축교류국제심포지엄(ISAIA 2024) 개최 안내

ISAIA는 대한건축학회(AIK), 중국건축학회(ASC), 일본건축학회(AIJ) 3단체가 격년마다 공동 주최하는 국제심포지엄으로, 2024년에는 일본건축학회(AIJ)의 주관으로 행사가 개최됩니다. 
회원 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.
○ 개최일시 : 2024년 9월 10일(화)~12일(목) 
○ 개최장소 : 일본 교토 (세부장소 추후 공지 예정)
○ 행사주최 : 일본건축학회(AIJ), 대한건축학회(AIK), 중국건축학회(ASC)
○ 행사주관 : 일본건축학회(AIJ)
○ 행사주제 :  “Architect-ing What?” - Rethinking the Foundations of Human Existence -
○ ISAIA 2024 홈페이지 :  https://isaia2024.aij.or.jp/

○ 프로그램 
- 9/10(화) 오후:Registration / 저녁:Welcome Party    
- 9/11(수) 아침 : Opening Ceremony, Keynote Sessions / 오후:Academic Sessions, Theme Sessions 
- 9/12(목) 종일 : Academic Sessions, Theme Sessions / 저녁:Farewell Party

○ 등록비 
일반 40,000엔, 학생 20,000엔
등록비에는 제14회 ISAIA 프리시딩, Welcome Party, 점심식사(9/11, 9/12), Farewell Party가 포함됩니다. 

*논문접수 일정이 상황에 따라 상시 변경될 수 있어, ISAIA 2024 홈페이지의 Call for Papers를 꼭 재확인해 주시기 바랍니다.

(A) Architectural Planning and Design
(B) Architectural History and Theory/Architectural Preservation and Regeneration
(C) Sustainable Environmental Design and Technology
(D) Urban Planning and Community Design in Diverse Contexts
(E) Design and Technology of Building Structures

Authors are requested to submit their abstract(s) (maximum 300 words, 1 page in A4) to the symposium secretariat
through the website. Website for abstract submission 초록제출 :   
All abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Committee of the 14th ISAIA.

Successful authors will be requested to submit full-papers as follows. Full-papers should be submitted as electronic
files in PDF via the website. The format and length of the full paper will be notified in the website.

All papers and presentations are in English
Oral presentations are limited to one presentation per person.

Submission of Abstract : 29nd February, 2024  3월 7일(목요일)까지  / Website for abstract submission:   https://isaia2024.confit.atlas.jp/login 
Notification of Abstract acceptance : end of April, 2024
Submission of Full-Papers : 10th June, 2024
Notification of Final Acceptance : 2th July, 2024

Topics and Keywords
(A) Architectural Planning and Design

Keywords: Aging Society, Inclusive Design, Design for Post Crisis, Local Design, Computational Design,
BIM/Robot/Advanced Construction Method, Project Management, Building Management, Architectural Materiality,
Design Method/Workshop/Education, Facility Planning (Schools, Hospitals, residences, etc.) etc.
(B) Architectural History and Theory/Architectural Preservation and Regeneration
Keywords: Historic Building, Historic Zone, Historic Territory, Historic Landscape, World Heritage, Vernacular
Architecture, Conservation Method and technique, Alternative technology, Architectural Regeneration, Traditional
Housing/Villages, Theory of Architecture, Works of Architect etc.
(C) Sustainable Environmental Design and Technology
Keywords: Area Management, Design for a Shrinking Society, Environmental Technology, Green Buildings, Passive
Techniques, Smart Cities & Architecture, Urban Landscape, Zero Energy Houses/Buildings etc.
(D) Urban Planning and Community Design in Diverse Contexts
Keywords: Compact City, Design Survey, Livable Communities, Living Environment, Participation and Education,
Public Space and Buildings, Sustainable Communities, Urban Design and Guidelines, Urban Fabric, Urban History,
Urban Regeneration etc.
(E) Design and Technology of Building Structures
Keywords: Structural Design, Structural Analysis, Structural Experiment, Structural Intervention, Seismic
Assessment and Retrofit, Non-engineered Structures, Historical Structures, Construction Management, etc.

*문의 : 일본건축학회 제14회 ISAIA 사무국 aij.isaia2024@aij.or.jp / 학술연구실 박인자 팀장 02-525-1844, pij@aik.or.kr  


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